A Quarter of a Century Since Chernobyl

A quarter of a century has passed since the worst nuclear accident in history. On April 26, 1986, the Nuclear power plant at Chernobyl, Ukraine, in the then USSR, exploded leaking nuclear radiation about a hundred times the Nuclear explosion at Hiroshima. I cannot think of anything more but to say that the day reminds us why we should be so proud of Nuclear technology. After all, it allows us to make great changes to the way things work naturally, something we consider a sign of human intelligence and intellect. And since it proves potentially dangerous and destructive to human life, this further affirms this notion.

It’s a pity that despite all our scientific advances, we turn to Nuclear Energy as a source of generation of power. Of course, Nuclear Technology is very safe. It rarely causes any casualties and how many accidents have we witnessed since the Chernobyl one? None. Until of course, a massive 9 magnitude earthquake hit the Japanese city of Fukushima on March 11, 2011, causing explosions in the Nuclear power plant in the city, resulting in the leakage of radioactive material to the extent that it is being compared to the Chernobyl incident.

One Nuclear accident caused by human error, the other by a natural disaster.

Either of that could happen at any time and at any Nuclear reactor in the world. We have been very lucky that this does not happen too often. But it very easily could. And we are dealing with Nuclear Radiation here. Its effects spread globally and do not remain confined to the borders of the country suffering such an accident. And let us not even talk about the effects of Nuclear Radiation from such accidents on life.

Even if we rule out the human error factor, or even the computer error part, in causing a Nuclear accident, as strict security measures have been taken in Nuclear plants the world over to prevent incidents such as Chernobyl (or so they tell us), the natural disaster risk factor would always remain there. We still have a long way to go when it comes to fighting the catastrophic effects of natural disasters, but we must not forget that the secondary disasters in their aftermath are usually a creation of our own.

Revisit Chernobyl after 25 years.

For The Effects of Chernobyl on the Wildlife After 25 Years, from National Geographic, Click here.

Not much use in generating power in a way which will not leave anyone who would need it in the first place.

Pretty short sighted for an intelligent species.

Worrying About Your Country

Are you one of the people who find it odd to carry out a long conversation with a stranger, or an acquaintance that you do not feel like talking to too much? Especially when it is intended to pass time and to overcome an instance of social awkwardness of one type, only to put you into another.

Whether you like it or not, but the only purpose worrying about your country is serving these days is offering a good subject of unwanted but inevitable conversation with a stranger or an acquaintance that you do not feel like talking to, but have to. Or maybe, have always been.

Always works.

However, you may always not get to say what you really want to say or think.

Depends on the person, and even the time and the place, and the stakes…

Oh well, have to live with it.

P. S. This post is dedicated to Pakistan